Custom-engineered elevators are a suitable solution for any building owner and building type.  Maverick United Elevator can modernize all makes and types of elevators by replacing all major components or just those that need it.  Enjoy the benefits of Maverick United Elevator’s rigorous installation and engineering standards while maintaining your freedom of choice. We have the non-proprietary factor, which we use whenever possible; from controllers, hydro packages, door equipment, machines, fixtures, paneling, lighting and traction elevators. This also means any qualified contractor can work on your equipment in the future.

The modern elevator is not only faster and more efficient, but it is significantly safer. Between the OEM dominated new installation market and the modernization market with its vast choices of 3rd party engineered products, multiple products are installed and controlling elevator systems. Some perform better than others by design, and others are no longer in production and obsolete with limited serviceability. Lastly, some are both and very proprietary in controls and software/hardware support.

We have found that Over 80% of elevator problems are door related.

  • All of our door equipment is ready for full customization and able to fit any and all of your needs

First Impressions Matter:

  • we offer cosmetic improvements including cab interior upgrades, custom interior design, and metal-cladding solutions

If your elevator was installed prior to 1990, it would be worth your time and ours to take a look at your existing equipment to see where you stand in terms of safety, serviceability, obsolescence, and reliability.